Posts in Automation
The Power of Failure in Testing

The thing about success is, it’s easy to attribute to our own efforts and abilities while disregarding circumstantial elements, timing, and quite honestly, pure luck. Failure gives concrete feedback on our lack of perfection and should trigger self-reflection on some level. Not to say we can not fail out of “bad luck”, but at least it unveils the inherent uncertainty which lurks in the world we live. Success is a false sense of security that can impede us from asking the tough questions. Is this good enough? Would I have made it otherwise?

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Is A.I. Disrupting Our QA World?

2009 was a very important year for test automation. It signalled the dawn of a new era of seriousness on the subject. Eight years after Cem Kaner and James Bach published Lessons Learned in Software Testing, a landmark piece which helped defined the QA role as we know it, QA experts turned to automation and its proper integration into test strategy. Along with this awakening came several key publications that till today, are seen as major contributions to the test automation and QA world.

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